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Entrepreneurial Ideas & Opportunities

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  1. Welcome to Your Course
    3 Lessons
  2. Module 1 - Describe and Discuss Entrepreneurship
    8 Lessons
    1 Quiz
  3. Module 2 - Identify Own Entrepreneurial Strengths and Weaknesses in Relation to Opportunity Identified
    2 Lessons
  4. Module 3 - Identify the Characteristics Of a Typical Entrepreneur
    3 Lessons
    1 Quiz
  5. Module 4 - Identify Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Own Context.
    4 Lessons
    1 Quiz
  6. Module 5 - Compile Entrepreneurial Goals and Personal Growth Plan
    5 Lessons
    1 Quiz

Participants 2

Module 2 of 6
In Progress

Module 1 – Describe and Discuss Entrepreneurship

Learnhub October 27, 2020

Learning Outcomes

  • An understanding of what makes up a business is demonstrated and explained in terms of the proposed business context.
  • Entrepreneurship is discussed in terms of employment opportunities.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship are explained with examples.
  • Typical examples of entrepreneurship are presented and explained in terms of the proposed business context.
  • Reasons for business failure and successes are identified and discussed with examples.
  • Cultural, gender, and social barriers that relate to entrepreneurship are identified and ideas are raised on how to overcome them.
  • The importance of a workable business plan is identified and explained in terms of the proposed business context.


  • The ability to analyse one’s own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Goal setting techniques.
  • Compiling personal growth plans.

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Entrepreneurial Ideas & Opportunities Course Workbook

Click on the link below to download your Course Workbook:

Entrepreneurial Ideas & Opportunities Course Workbook