If we now have the definition, what would YOU say is an entrepreneur in the real world? Real entrepreneurs are people who create companies from scratch. They start with nothing except what they themselves bring to the party a concept/idea, a few contacts, maybe some capital (a few desks or a personal computer), plus all of those intangible qualities (those that you cannot see or buy) that are important to success in any new venture.
Why do people start their own businesses?
With the current economic climate, jobs are scarce as you well know. The only alternative then is for you to become an entrepreneur and start your own business.
Entrepreneurs usually have the technical and managerial skills necessary to start their own business. For example, a carwash worker who has been working at someone else’ carwash (parent or uncle), and has now decided to open his / her own business, is likely to have the expertise to do the practical part of the job and may even have the management experience. S/he may also possess financial, marketing, and personal skills all vital to establishing a business successfully. S/he will also need the ability to work with people such as staff and customers. S/he should be constantly improving her/his skills.
Successful entrepreneurs respond to problems differently from other people. They do not look for escape (or to blame others for any problems) but for lessons. They realize that, in the words of Robert Schuller, “Tough times don’t last, and tough people do”. Swimming upstream is never simple and yet the more one does it, the more natural it becomes.
We all have great potential but we will only achieve in life when we begin to stretch ourselves and realize that a life of abundance will not just happen because we are good people. We need to do things, believe things, and think in new ways.
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