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Entrepreneurial Ideas & Opportunities

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  1. Welcome to Your Course
    3 Lessons
  2. Module 1 - Describe and Discuss Entrepreneurship
    8 Lessons
    1 Quiz
  3. Module 2 - Identify Own Entrepreneurial Strengths and Weaknesses in Relation to Opportunity Identified
    2 Lessons
  4. Module 3 - Identify the Characteristics Of a Typical Entrepreneur
    3 Lessons
    1 Quiz
  5. Module 4 - Identify Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Own Context.
    4 Lessons
    1 Quiz
  6. Module 5 - Compile Entrepreneurial Goals and Personal Growth Plan
    5 Lessons
    1 Quiz

Participants 2

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Diversity is about empowering people. It makes an organization effective by benefiting from all the strengths of each employee. These are laws and policies. While on the other hand, diversity is; understanding, valuing, and using the differences in every person.

Simply enforcing (obeying) government regulations will not get you to be the best. To get that competitive edge you need to create great work teams by using the full potential of every individual. Teams are much more than a group. A group is a collection of individuals where each person is working towards his or her own goal, while a team is a collection of individuals working towards a common team goal or vision.

This helps to create a combined effect with teams…that is, one plus one equals more than one. An individual, acting alone, can accomplish much; but a group of people acting together in a unified (as one) force can accomplish great wonders. This is because team members understand each other and support each other. Their main goal is to see the team accomplish its mission. Personal agendas (plans) do not get in the way of team agendas. Personal agendas (plans) are a huge waste of an organization’s resources because they do not support its goals.

By using the combined effect of teams you create a competitive advantage over other organizations that are using people acting alone. You are getting more for your efforts!

If team members do not accept others for what they are, they will not be able to use the abilities of others to fill in their weak areas. Choosing people like yourself to be on teams is similar to inbreeding – it multiplies the faults.

Diversity is what builds a team… a team will not be built if every member of the team does not embrace diversity.

Embracing (excepting) diversity is more than tolerating (putting up with) people who are different. It means actively welcoming and involving them by:

Developing an atmosphere in which it is safe for all employees to ask for help. People should not be viewed as weak if they ask for help. This is what helps to build great teams joining weaknesses with strengths to accomplish the goal.

Actively seeking information from people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Also, including everyone in the problem-solving and decision-making process.

Including people different than you in informal gatherings such as lunch, coffee breaks, and spur-of-the-moment meetings.

Creating a team spirit in which every member feels a part.